Ridiculous risk-free triple guarantee

The Peaceful Entrepreneur program is backed by an anxiety-reducing ‘Ridiculous risk-free triple guarantee’...

#1 - 14-day free trial guarantee

You can join in for 14 days and see if this will reduce your stress and have you think less. All you have to do is take your first 2 microdoses and join the coaching calls. If it doesn’t work for you after 14 days you can get out no questions asked.

<h3>#2 - Less work more <span class="popup-trigger">growth guarantee*</span></h3>

If you by the end of the coaching period of 12 weeks are not working less while growing your business. Then I’ll personally make sure you’ll get there with my “less work, more growth guarantee”. You can microdose, stay inside the program, join all the coaching calls, and get personal mentorship from me for another 12 weeks.

<h3>#3 - Deep <span class="popup-trigger">dive guarantee**</span></h3>

if you after 24 weeks of us working together are still not working less while growing your business you become eligible for a deep dive. A deep dive is either a private or group therapeutic psychedelic session to take you deeper than you have ever been before. Many of our former deep divers compare the results of this session to 5 years of therapy. The deep dive is valued anywhere from $5.000-$20.000.

Schedule a chat with Martin